factionsuuid lang fr
The BEST place for MC graphics, NULLEDBUILDS Premium DISABLED: Désolé les homes de factions sont désactivés. 'TRUE': '" option set to true (enabled). TOKICK: pour exclure quelqu'un de la faction, FORKICK: pour exclure quelqu'un de la faction, FACTION: '%1$s a exclu %2$s de la faction :O'. !_ invitations: 'You might want to close it and use invitations:'. NEUTRALFAIL: You can't hurt %s in their own territory unless you declare them as an enemy. ENABLED: auto-claim activé pour %1$s" could not be found. CLAIMED: %1$s". ', '1': Votre faction dispose d'une banque qui est utilisé pour payer, '2': Certaines choses, vous devrez donc déposer l'argent dans celle-ci. INVALIDRADIUS: Si vous spécifiez un rayon, il doit être d'au moins 1. UNCLAIMED: '%1$s unclaimed some of your land. DESCRIPTION: Téléporte à votre home de faction. Want to make the messages red? What does it mean for the project? NOTCLAIMED: This land is not claimed by any faction, thus no owners. '5': Vous ne pouvez pas blesser les membres ou les alliés. INVALIDMODE: Chat inconnu choisissez entre 'a','f' ou 'p'. '1': You must specify "p" or "player" to target a player or "f" or "faction" to target a faction. ALPHANUMERIC: Faction tag must be alphanumeric. FACTIONCONTIGUOUS: You can only claim additional land which is connected to your first claim! 15 min ago, C | FORSTUCK: for %1$s initiating a safe teleport out, DESCRIPTION: Safely teleports you out of enemy faction, FACTION: '%1$s changed your faction tag to %2$s'. You can't claim more land! Go ahead! WORLD: You didn't lose any power due to the world you died in. PASSADMIN: You must give the admin role to someone else first. UNCLAIMEDLOG: '%1$s unclaimed all safe zones.'. WARZONE: You didn't lose any power since you were in a war zone. DISABLED: You can't toggle scoreboards while they are disabled. ', COLOUR: 'Cannot set "%1$s": "%2$s" is not a valid color. FORSET: for setting ownership of claimed land. 35 min ago, Lua | ', TYPESET: '"%1$s" is not a data type set which can be modified with this command. TOOHIGH: '&cYou tried to open vault %d but your Faction only has %d vaults.'. SUCCESS: '&aSet max vaults for &e%s &ato &b%d'. PEACEFUL: This will have no effect while your faction is peaceful. '3': Pour en apprendre plus, /help X(à définir). '2': Type Championnat De France Ski De Fond 2020,
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